Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Have you?

I voted!!! It felt great! Have you?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mother of a Gay Son

I could not say this any better, she summed it up just how I feel, so I have copied and posted this message. -Em

Why Mother of gay child is voting YES on Proposition 8

I am a long time resident of Hollister and have a gay son. (I am writing this article anonymously to protect my child.) Several weeks ago I felt caught in the middle of the Proposition 8 battle of protecting traditional marriage in the constitution. I have always felt it was morally right to define marriage as “one man & one woman”, but I also wanted my son to have the same happiness I enjoy in my marriage. However…

Opponents of Proposition 8 have caused me to think more clearly over the past week. My neighborhood had several “vote YES” signs on their front lawns and now most of them are gone. I am appalled at the lengths the gay & lesbian community will go to get their point across. They have left profanity on my neighbor’s signs, hate messages in flyers left on cars saying church-going people are “bigots” and “intolerant”. If I was ever on the fence with this issue, I am not anymore. I am joining the proponents of Proposition 8 and am voting yes.. I have come to see for myself who are the intolerant bigots in our society. Some gay & lesbian groups have done nothing but cause hate, destruction and division between all of us. I have worked hard all of my life to love ALL people no matter their race, religion, or sexual identity. My “church-going” neighbors are some of the most loving, tolerant people I know, so why is this happening? If this anger & hate driven by the “NO” community is the direction our society is going, I will do all in my power to stop it. This issue has gotten out of control. If I have to choose between pleasing my son or doing what is morally right for myself, I will choose to save traditional marriage and the morals we have stood for since the beginning of time. We need to take a stand and save our society from the evil that is creeping in from those who hate this country, and despise traditional values. Our country was founded on the principles of freedom of religion and choice. I am CHOOSING to do what is morally right for me. How dare you take that away from me! I will always fight for what is right. I am voting YES on Proposition 8 and encourage you to take a stand and do the same.

Anonymous mother
Hollister, CA

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Returning good for evil

I stood on a street corner for two hours today holding a "yes on Prop 8" sign . There was a lot of support in the way of honking, waving, thumbs-up, nodding, etc. I felt more optimistic knowing that there are others out there who support this proposition.

On the other hand, there were also plenty of people who honked just to draw attention to their middle finger. And there were those who talked about discrimination and civil rights. Some bordered on rude.

But through it all, I felt strengthened by returning good for evil. I stood there in the rain with my sign and a big smile on my face. I wanted to make sure that anyone whose views differ from mine at least know that I will not stoop to ugliness to voice my opinion. I will smile and wave regardless of their reaction to my sign.

And I will fight for my rights and for my children.

I feel that there are those who would make this into an issue of rights, but then ignore the fact that if this proposition fails, the rights of thousands of parents will be denied. The rights of churches will be decreased. And the rights of average citizens will be threatened, all in an effort to ensure the rights of a very vocal few.

And since that minority is so vocal, I think there are a lot of people out there who support Proposition 8, but are afraid to admit it. It is an effective strategy to make Prop 8 supporters think that they are alone and that they are on the unpopular side of this issue. Or to intimidate them into silence. But that is not the tactic I will use. I would rather be associated with a happy campaign fighting for the safety of my children than with an angry campaign trying to bully society as a whole to accept and promote my lifestyle.

I'll be fasting and praying that people have the courage to vote for what's right.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

It Won't be Taught in our Schools?????

If not then why is there this?

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
School holds surprise 'Gay' Day for kindergartners
Parents outraged at public elementary's secretive 'coming out' event
Posted: October 22, 2008
9:34 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Some parents are shocked to find their children are learning to be homosexual allies and will participate in "Coming Out Day" at a public elementary school tomorrow – and they claim the school failed to notify parents.

One mother of a kindergartner who attends Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science, a K-8 charter school in Hayward, Calif., said she asked her 5-year-old daughter what she was learning at school.

The little girl replied, "We're learning to be allies."

The mother also said a Gay Straight Alliance club regularly meets in the kindergarten classroom during lunch.

According to a Pacific Justice Institute report, Faith Ringgold opted not to inform the parents of its pro-homosexual activities beforehand. The school is celebrating "Gay and Lesbian History Month" and is in the process of observing "Ally Week," a pro-"gay" occasion usually geared toward high school students.

The school is scheduled to host discussions about families and has posted fliers on school grounds portraying only homosexuals. According to the report, a "TransAction Gender-Bender Read-Aloud" will take place Nov. 20. Students will listen to traditional stories with "gay" or transgender twists, to include "Jane and the Beanstalk."

Some parents only recently noticed posters promoting the school's "Coming Out Day" tomorrow – celebrated 12 days after the national "Coming Out Day" usually observed on Oct. 11. When WND contacted the school to confirm the event, a female representative replied, "Yes, it is scheduled on our calendar."

When asked if the school made any efforts to inform parents, she refused to answer and said Hayward Unified School District would have to respond to additional questions. However, the district did not answer its phones or e-mails, and a voicemail recording would not take messages. "Coming Out Day" is not listed on the district's online school calendar.

Some of the parents contacted Pacific Justice Institute for representation when they learned the school was pushing pro-"gay" events for young children without warning.

Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said opponents of California's proposed ban on same-sex marriage, or Proposition 8, often say the measure would not have an effect on public schools – but this is one of many recent developments that prove otherwise.

"Do we need any further proof that gay activists will target children as early as possible?" he asked. "Opponents of traditional marriage keep telling us that Prop. 8 has nothing to do with education. In reality, they want to push the gay lifestyle on kindergartners, and we can only imagine how much worse it will be if Prop. 8 is defeated. This is not a scenario most Californians want replayed in their elementary schools."

Concerned individuals may contact Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science by calling (510) 889-7399. The Hayward Unified School District can be reached at (510)784-2600 or by filling out the district contact form.

This concerns me, is there really any reason to have this in our schools at this young of age? Science in Jr High touches the BIOLOGICAL conception of sperm meets eggs etc etc. In college we attend human sexuality classes..... but kindergarten? Isn't that where they learn their alphabet, colors, beginning sentence structure?

When did explaining what a Transgender is to a 5 year old become part of that curriculum? Do 5 year olds really even know what male/female body parts ARE (as functions and usage not just the names) at that age? Let alone the psychology of human sexuality?
Can't we leave them innocent as long as possible, in ALL cases of sexuality hetero and homo??

Prop 8 in Plain English